"Light your Laws" (06-22/5/2020)
"Light Your Laws" is an academic program organized by the Union of Law Faculty for students, especially law students. With the desire to help students test and learn knowledge as well as professional skills in Law; creating ra healthy, rewarding, honest playground and ultimately developing integration skills in the 4.0 era.

Figure 1: Starting the contest
The contest is started from 06/5/2020 to 22/5/2020, the prize structure corresponding to the First, Second and Third prizesis 300,000 VND, 200,000 VND, 100,000 VND. The contest consists of 02 rounds:
Round 01 called "Shining" lasts from 06/5 to 22/5/2020. In this round, candidates will record a video from 3 to 5 minutes long to state their views on legal and social issues. most. Test scores will be calculated according to the likes and shares of the video. To ensure that the contest takes place professionally and fairly, 60% of the points will come from the contest advisory board, the remaining 40% will depend on interactions on the Like The Laws fanpage.
Round 02 of the program is called "Checking Your Ability", taking place from May 16 to May 17, 2020. Part iis held in the form of an online quiz consisting of 30 questions about law majors, socio-cultural knowledge in the country and the world. The time to take the test for the whole section is 40 minutes. Multiple-choice tests account for 100% of the total score of the 2nd test, including 06 different exam questions.

Figure 2: Contest judges

Figure 3: Candidates' entries
The "Light your Laws" contest has created an opportunity for students with passion and ability in the field of Law to express and develop their knowledge. And after a long time, goingthrough the attractive and attractive rounds, the Organizing Committee has found 03 candidates with the highest and most worthy final score.
- Nguyen Hong Anh, first prize with a score of 76;
- Pham Thi Kim Huong, second prize with a score of 70.96;
- Tran Anh Thy, wonThe Third with a score of 70.4.
The program closes with the enthusiastic participation of students, this is also an experiential academic competition organized by the Union of Law Faculty associations with the expected success.