On the morning of 31/3/2023, Clinical Legal Education, University of Economics and Law (CLE - UEL) successfully organized Legal Talk with the topic "Rule of Law with Chinese Characteristics" with the participation of Professor Jeffrey E. Thomas from University of Missouri, Kansas city, America. Also, the Legal Talk had the participation of Lecturers, the Executive Committee of the Faculty of Law:

- Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Thi Hong Nhung, Dean of the Faculty of Law, Lecturer of University of economics and Law;

- Assoc. Prof. Do Minh Khoi, Lecturer of University of Economics and Law;

- Master of Law Le Thi Ngoc Yen, Lecturer of University of Economics and Law.

- Master of Law Nguyen Le My Kim, Lecturer of University of Economics and Law;

- Master of Law Trinh Thi Hang, Lecturer of University of Economics and Law.

With his intensive  knowledge and experience, Professor Jeffrey E. Thomas gave a very useful and interesting sharing about China's characteristic rule of law system. The professor's sharing gave students a new perspective on the law. As a result, the students enthusiastically exchanged, presented their points of view as well as questions to the Professor and were wholeheartedly answered by him.

Through the sharing session, we believe that all participating students will gain for themselves a lot of knowledge about law in general and  the characteristic legal system of our neighboring country in specific. This knowledge will become a precious preparation for you to learn about countries following a Civil law system.

Finally, we would like to thank Professor Jeffrey E. Thomas for spending time and confidently choosing the University of Economics and Law to present this interesting topic.

Besides, CLE - UEL also thanked the students for your interest in the "Legal Talk - Rule of Law with Chinese Characteristics". Your enthusiastic participation has contributed greatly to the success of Legal Talk today.

1. On the morning of 31st March, 2023, Legal Talk with the topic "Rule of Law with Chinese Characteristics" was organized at room A.809, University of Economics and Law.

2. A member of CLE performed a melodious song to begin the Legal Talk

3. Professor Jeffrey E. Thomas enthusiastically shared useful knowledge about the rule of Law with Chinese Characteristics.

4. Assoc. Prof. Do Minh Khoi gived Professor Jeffrey E. Thomas flowers to express gratitude. The Legal Talk took place successfully with a lot of new and useful knowledge.

5. The Executive Committee of the Faculty of Law, Professor Jeffrey E. Thomas, students and CLE - UEL took pictures together to save memorable moments.