On 20th January 2014, University of Economics and Law (UEL) received a delegation of Daejon University, Korea. The exchanges activity and Cooperative Signing Ceremony between Daejon University, Korea and UEL in general and between two Law Faculties of two universities in particular, finished very well.
Associate - Doctor Le Vu Nam – Dean of Faculty of Law, UEL and Professor Kyung It Soo – Vice Principal of Daejon University, Korea represented two universities to sign the cooperative contract, where by they promise to have more cooperation in the future.
After Signing Ceremony, the delegation of Daejon Unniversity went for a sightseeing UEL.
Members of CLE – UEL and Students in Daejon University also took part in an intimate exchanges activity. During the activity, Korean student shown the impression with singing performances and games which members of CLE – UEL organized….
After that is some pictures in Exchanges activity:

The Exchanges activity and Signing ceremony have left a good impression both with lectures and students of two Universities. We hope that, in the near future, there is more cooperation between two universities.